The August Star Beacon features "Our Trip to the Olympic Peninsula" (The Meaning of It All). You can read all about it in the blog below this one, or you can surf over to Earth Star's Web site and read it there. We had a great time and will be relocating to that part of the country as soon as we can sell our homes here in beautiful Pagosa Springs. If you're looking for a great spot to live that is SAFE as well as BEAUTIFUL... and teeming with loving energy and plenty of light workers, contact me, or have a look at our two homes for sale at this Web site.
Now that my "commercial" is over, let's see what else is in the August issue...
In "Letters from Readers" we have correspondence from Sophia Whitefeather ("Honoring the sacred within"), from Bob Huth ("Magnificent possibilities"), from Patrick ("Questions answered") and from Sara Hockenbery ("Called to duty").
Hannah Beaconsfield channels an important message from Oceanna, a Pleiadian Christed woman, in "The day that nothing happened."
"Sasquatch: Hairy tales of the Northwest's mythic being" by Tanya Davidson, gives a close look at the so-called legend of Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest.
Ray Larsen's "Radio Waves" begins with the UFO sighting of October 2010, when the USAF lost control of 50 ICBMs. Read it ON LINE at Earth Star's Web site.
In this month's DISC-ussion is a reprint of the Huffington Post's article on how General Ramey lied over the Roswell Incident of July 1947. You can read it ON LINE at Earth Star's Web site.
Could humanity survive a "Falling Skies" invasion? A new book, Apocalpyse: How to Survive a Global Crisis, by Dan Martin, talks about it. Martin is an expert who compares real life living off-the-grid to fictional tales of disaster.
Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET, by Commander Sanni Ceto, answers questions about space and ETs. This month she comments on an Australian reader's alleged abduction and time warp experience, plus other questions. Read it ON LINE at Earth Star's Web site.
Be sure to check out our latest ads at the Web site. And if you'd like to receive the full issue in color PDF, there is a link for PayPal on the Home Page (it's just a dollar).
You can subscribe to the full year PDF issue for just $12, or get a print subscription that is mailed to your home for $27. To sign up, go to the Subscription Web Page.
Don't forget to visit the BARGAIN BILLBOARD, Earth Star's on line classified publication. You can list things for sale (including services or things you are looking for) for FREE. How much better is that? Check out the Billboard.
Until next month... hope you are enjoying a beautiful summer. We always have fantastic, cool summers here in southwestern Colorado. If you're feeling the nudge to relocate anytime soon, contact me about our two homes for sale.