
Star Beacon publisher Annie Miller

Friday, May 20, 2011

We're two-thirds through Spring

May 20 marks the end of two months into spring. Can you believe it? Summer is almost here, yet it was snowing in Pagosa Springs today.

Doug and I are preparing for a journey to the Olympic Peninsula (Washington state) in just two weeks. This is an exciting time and a much needed vacation for both of us. The Star Beacon will be on vacation, too... but don't worry, the July issue was done ahead of time and the June issue is forthcoming.

In the May Star Beacon Janet Russell is featured in "Alien abductee turns successful psychic" in a reprinted article by Jennett Meriden Russell. Letters from Readers include the "Latest from Mark's Corner," with Mark Kimmel's posting at CosmicParadigm.com. Check it out for the most recent word from his Andromedan contacts.

Hannah Beaconsfield explores "New Magic - The Nano Wand" with the Pleidian Light. The wand, which is advertised as radiating zero-point field energy (scalar energy) has received a lot of media attention in the last few months. It's worth looking into.

This month's "Radio Waves" by Ray Larsen focuses on "The crop circle connection." You can read Ray's article on Earth Star's Web site. Next month he'll be discussing CB radios.

My column, "The Meaning of It All," talks about "The crack between the worlds" and is available on my Web site, but you can scroll down and read the next posting right here on my blog.

John Cali's Conversations with Spirit tells us how to "Follow Your Heart." John's column is undergoing changes in name only. His channelings are still potent and inspirational. Read the latest on Earth Star's Web site.

In the May issue I've included a controversial piece from Colonel Billie Faye Woodard (USAF) on "Area 51 and the Inner Earth." This is nothing new, but it makes interesting reading and came off Greg Gavin's site at Onelight.com. I urge you to use discernment.

"Soul Shift: 2012 and Beyond," Judith Horky's sequel novel to "EarthShift," is featured in this months' Cosmic Book Reviews. The book is now also available at NOOK and Amazon's Kindle sites as an ebook. I highly recommend both her exciting novels.

Commander Sanni Ceto has been busy answering questions in her column, "Commander's Star Base: Ask an ET." This month she talks about HAARP, quartz crystals, The Vault and hearing voices in one's head. Check it out.

Emma O'Brian of Port Angeles, Wash., has some "show and tell" with Photo excitement - digital pictures of unknown flashes of light in the night sky. You can read her letter and view the photos on Earth Star's Web site.

And that's the May issue. Be sure to also check out the latest Bargain Billboard, Earth Star's new on-line classified Web site. If you've got something to sell, or something you want, please consider submitting it FREE by going to the Web site. What can it hurt?

I'll be sending info on the June issue at the beginning of next month, before we take off on our month-long journey. Till then... have a beautiful spring!


Ann Ulrich Miller
The Star Beacon


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The crack between the worlds

Did you know that everything that you need actually exists in this present moment? And did you realize that this moment is all that exists? What an amazing thought.

Lately I've been experiencing a new paradigm. Time seems to stand still... or is it simply that I don’t care what time it is anymore?

I haven't worn a watch in over a decade, and I have no intention to getting one. I have clocks in my home like most people, but I don't live by them. Often when I am out with my partner, or involved in some project on my own, I stop for a moment and realize that I have no idea what time of day it is... sometimes to the point where I’m not sure if it morning or afternoon. And it doesn't bother me... not in the least.

A reader recently sent me a few chapters from Ken Carey's revised book, The Starseed Transmissions (first published in 1982, then reprinted in 1995 with a new introduction by the author). If I were to hunt through my library of metaphysical and UFO books, I would probably find a copy of this book from long ago. I receive written material from a lot of people and sometimes I get overwhelmed. This material sat around on my kitchen counter for weeks before I finally felt drawn to pick it up.

"This present moment is the stargate through which you will leave the prison of human definition and expand into an awareness of divine perception," it says in Chapter 6, "A Psychological Process." It talks about an "identity shift," in which balance is restored when you realize there are two realities.

What are these two realities? One is the form in which we live as creatures of the earth, our animated form. Through this form we reawaken to our awareness that we are spirit. Most of you reading this already know that you are spiritual beings experiencing physicality. We are not our bodies ... we are much, much more! And when we are through with these bodies, that part of us that is truly who we are emerges and continues through eternity.

Through the identity shift, we will return to a state of grace, of health, of intimate association with all that is, according to the book. "This state already exists. It always has. Yet most human beings are blinded to it by the incessant machinations of the rational thought processes that they worship instead of God and His simple truth."

The most important thing we can do right now is to recognize the creative power of our very thoughts. We are powerful beyond our knowledge. The more negative thoughts we carry around, the more limited we remain in consciousness. But as soon as our thoughts are of Love and Life, we enjoy the wonder of God's perception.

"The stuff of which you are made is so charged with the ability to create that everything you touch comes to life — every thought, every identity, every image." Needless to say, we manifest our world and we receive back what we put out in thought form.

For instance, I've noticed that on days when my partner and I go on a day trip, we enjoy the present moment as it unfolds. We haven't been exposed to our television sets and the distressing news casts that pump out the woes of the world. On such days we feel carefree, peaceful and alive. Our thoughts are centered on having fun, enjoying nature, loving life and each other. It is entering the crack between two worlds. And only the present moment exists.

The world is changing. We see evidence of this every day as events unfold and new activities appear with ever increasing frequency. As light workers we assume different roles to bring balance to a troubled Earth. Some of us are healers, some provide needed information that others can use to understand and accept what is happening to them. Some of us are just here to anchor Light... we don't even need to "do" anything except be an example for others in the way of living in harmony, with compassion and unconditional love for all.

Whatever your role is, know that you are an important ingredient in this recipe for the next leap of consciousness into a better, ever evolving Earth. All of us -- even those playing the dark roles at this time -- were awarded the honor of being here at this glorious time in history. So, make it easier on yourself. Yes, there are times ahead that are challenging and devastating for some. But you can buffer the hardships by using your inner power of creative thoughts, envisioning a protective shield of light around yourself and those closest to you. Remember, fear is a destructive, negative thought-force. Love and compassion will override fear and see you through.